Monday, March 19, 2007

Ethanol both "GOOD" & "BAD"

Ethanol, also called ethyl alcohol or grain alcohol, is present in varying amounts in beers and wines. It is also found in distilled liquors such as whisky, gin an rum. It is produced by the natural process of fermentation.

Alcohol mainly utilizes our body for heat production. It does not contain any amounts of vitamins and minerals and even acts to displace vitamins from our body causing the intestinal cells to stop absorbing thiamine and B12. Thus the balance of blood nutrients is disrupted.(ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE by Salvacion Dorado)

What does A "dust" do?.

Dust particles can act as nuclei for moisture condensation in the atmosphere increasing potential rainfall and snow. Carbon dioxide, in a minimal effect, contributes to the greenhouse effect that tends to raise atmospheric temperature.

Learn from PAGASA>>

According to the phillipine atmospheric, Geophysical and astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA), the frequency of typhoons in the Philippines varies from year to year. Twelve typhoons were recorded in 1973, 30 in 1974 and a high 32 in 1993. It begins from May and ends in December through January the following year. The month of August has the highest frequency, an average of 3.4 tropical cyclones, July has 3.3 and September has 3.0, October has 2.6 and November has 2.3. June and December have equal frequency of 1.5.

Wastes, its a head ache you know. . .

We people living in our daily life generates trash in the form of cans, bottles, cartons, bones, paper and etc. The Automobiles we are treasuring today will in 15 to 20 years be a gigantic mass of solid wastes.

According to reliable source, it is estimated that in Metro Manila, about 6000 tons of trash are generated daily by more than 8 million people living in its cities and towns. of this number, only 4500 tons are actually collected and disposed. The remaining 1500 tons, enough to cover the land area of a small town, are either thrown indiscriminately in the streets, rivers, public places, or collected by waste pickers/buyers.

ref: Environmental Science ISBN-971-23-2026-x

Infectious agents, What are they?..

Water-borne microorganisms or insects breeding on water can cause several diseases including cholera, typhoid, gastro-intestinal diseases. Examples of infectious agents are pathogenic bacteria, protozoa, fungi, viruses and parasitic worms. Dirty water are prime reasons why these water borne diseases occurs.

Air Pollution

The atmosphere is made up of roughly 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and 1% of other gases like carbon dioxide, inert gases (mostly argon), and moisture. The presence of contaminants in the atmosphere which is injurious to life and property is considered air pollution. The contaminants such as obnoxious gases, dust, smoke, vapor are what we call air pollutants.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Artificial sweeteners = Diabetes . . .

Artificial sweeteners, like cyclamate and saccharin are used in softdrinks and ice cream because they cost much less than sugar. Cyclamate is thirty times sweeter than sugar, while saccharin is 550 times sweeter. However, studies have shown that cyclamate can cause liver damage, which we all know controls sugar level and producing of glucose which is essential in our body. Studies proved that irregularities of glucose in our body results to what we know as Diabetes.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Silicone - BAD or GOOD?

The US food and Drug Administration allows silicone breast implants for reconstructive purposes only. This is not strictly followed though. Silicone is used even by unlicensed persons ro breast enlargement or nose-lifting.

Why should we aware?
Silicone can possibly harm us.Being a foreign substance can be rejected by the body. It can cause inflammation, scarring and hardening of tissues of organs like breasts or lungs. It may lead to cancer.
Now we should be aware of this things specially to people that like to have their big future on the way. Consider this information and most importantly accept the fact that it is consedered pollutants to our body...